Make It Shine SEN Project
Charity Number: 1161766
What we've been doing to support our SEN children and Adults in Lockdown.
Like everyone one Lockdown has been difficult but especially with our children and adults as some don't understand what's happening and why they cant see their friends and go to their interaction days. So here at the Make it Shine headquarters we've continued raising funds via raffles and clothes drives to donate educational toys, Christmas presents and we're in the process of organising Easter parcels for them. Below are some of the things we've done to help through these tough times.

This is Kieran a SEN young man of only 16 years of age. In January 2021 he was taken ill and taken to hospital in Leeds. He is now fighting for his life with aggressive Leukaemia. The Make it Shine charity has donated £250 to the family to help with travel costs, overnight stays when needed and any other costs they incur. The family have set up a Facebook page so you can follow his progress, it can be found at 'k's for Keiran'. They've also set up a gofundme page, again to help provide financial support whilst Kieran is in hospital. If you can donate we know the family would greatly appreciate it or any support you can offer.
This is Charlie, unfortunately whist at school Charlie had a seizure and broke his front teeth. The Make it Shine team decided to send him a treat box full of fidget toys and gadgets to cheer him up! I think we succeeded :)

Below are lovely photos of our children and young adults opening and spending their gift cards on educational toys and crafts.

Some of the Christmas gifts. We bought all of our Children and Young adults 'Build a Bear' bears all tailored to their individual likes.

We donated £500 plus money raised from a hamper raffle to help this family make their garden safe and accessible for their youngest son who is in a wheelchair.
This is Brendan, Kieran (see story above) younger brother and his mum Sarah. We bought a tablet for Brendan to let him know we are thinking of him just as much as his older brother. We try to support siblings of SEN children and adults when life becomes a struggle for all the family.